A bear and a squirrel were walking through the forest when the stumbled on a magic frog who said he would grant them both three wishes. The bear goes first. “I wish all the bears in the forest besides me were female” said the bear. “Then I’d get laid all the time.” “It is so.” Said the frog, and all the bears in the forest besides him were female. The squirrel goes next. “I wish for a motorcycle.” He said. “It is so.” replied the frog, and a motorcycles appeared. The bear went next with his second wish. “I wish all the bears in all the neighboring forests were female.” “It is so” said the frog. Then the squirrel. “I wish for a helmet.” The frog waved his hand and a helmet appeared for the squirrel. Then the bear had his last wish. “Okay, why not?” He says. “I wish all the bears in the world, besides me were female.” “It is so.” Said the frog, and he made it happen. He turned to the squirrel and asked “What is your third and final wish?” The squirrel shouted “I wish the bear was a woman!” and he hopped on his motorecycle and drove off.